1. 定義
1.1. 本公司:係指位於中華民國之公司組織點子行動科技股份有限公司。
1.2. 裝置:係指任何可以存取服務的設備,例如行動裝置、手持電話、PDA、智慧型手錶、電腦,數位平板電腦或其他相類似的網路應用產品或網路連接裝置。
1.3. 服務:係指由本公司所提供之檔案(提供電子下載)或其他媒體之全部內容,可能包括︰- 應用程式或軟體;
- 網站;
- 相關之書面解釋內容或檔案。
1.4. 使用:係指瀏覽、存取、安裝、下載、複製或透過利用本服務之功能獲得其他益處。
2. 用戶的同意表示
2.1. 當您使用本服務之一部或全部,即表示您已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受本條款之所有內容,本公司有權於任何時間修改或變更本條款之內容,以反映我們就服務或相關法律變更作出的處理措施異動,建議您隨時檢查本條款是否有所更新,您於任何修改或變更後繼續使用本服務,視為您已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受該等修改或變更。
2.2. 若您為未成年人,您必須取得家長或法定監護人同意後,方能使用本服務,當您使用本服務時,即推定您的家長或法定監護人已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受本條款之所有及其後修改變更之内容。如果您是家長或法定監護人,且允許子女使用本服務,您必須遵守本條款,並為子女在這些服務中的活動負責。
2.3. 本服務於有適用之個別使用條款時,除本條款外,用戶亦應遵照個別使用條款規定使用本服務。
2.4. 如您不同意本條款任一條件,請勿使用本服務。3. 條款的變更
4. 用戶的註冊與帳號管理義務
4.1. 您於使用本服務特定功能時,可能需要註冊特定資料以設立帳戶,為了正常使用本服務,您應提供真實、正確且完整的資料,並應隨時就更新的資料進行修改,以確保其為正確且最新。若您提供任何錯誤、不實或不完整的資料,本公司有權暫停或終止您的帳號,並拒絕您使用本服務之一部或全部。
4.2. 您有責任維持帳號及密碼的機密安全,本服務的帳號專屬於用戶個人,用戶於本服務的所有使用權皆不得轉讓、出借或以其他方式授予第三人或使第三人繼承或繼受。
4.3. 如您於使用本服務時註冊任何驗證資訊,應自行負責謹慎保管該等資訊,以免遭到不當使用。當您於註冊時提交的驗證資訊被用於使用本服務時,本公司將推定該使用係由提交驗證資訊之用戶本人所為,並據此向其提供本服務。
4.4. 於本服務註冊的用戶,得隨時依本服務提供的機制或直接以電子郵件的方式通知本公司刪除帳戶並終止本服務。當您刪除帳戶中的資料時,本服務將立即啟動移除程序,但為確保資料完整清除,您刪除資料後到資料庫副本清除完畢之間可能存在時間差。
4.5. 為避免惡意情事發生致使用戶權益受損,若用戶以電子郵件的方式通知本公司刪除帳戶,我們可能再次透過電子郵件或其他本公司建立之驗證方式確認用戶身份無誤後,再啟動用戶資料移除程序。
4.6. 自帳戶刪除時起,用戶於本服務的所有使用權不論任何理由均為消滅。即便是用戶不慎刪除帳號,原有的帳戶亦無法回復,您應自行承擔帳戶滅失之損失。5. 隱私權保護
5.1. 我們尊重用戶的隱私權,本公司保證將會以安全並嚴格的措施管理自用戶處蒐集到的資料。
5.2. 我們僅會蒐集特定目的範圍內必要的個人資訊。除非經您的同意或基於法律要求,否則我們僅會針對蒐集目的利用或揭露您的個人資訊,且所蒐集之資訊僅會於蒐集目的完成之所需期間內保留。
5.3. 關於隱私權保護,在本公司的「隱私權政策」中有更詳細的說明,我們保證依照本公司的「隱私權政策」妥善處理用戶的隱私資料與個人資料,相關細目可另外參照本公司的「隱私權政策」。6. 智慧財產權
6.1. 本公司所提供之服務,其所有內容,包含但不限於文字、程式碼、圖片、資料、檔案、架構、介面編排與設計等,均由本公司依法擁有其智慧財產權,包括但不限於商標權、著作權、專利權、商業秘密、專有技術等。
6.2. 本公司就本服務相關之產品或服務名稱、圖樣、商標等,依其註冊或使用之狀態,受商標法及公平交易法等之保護,未經本公司事前書面同意,用戶不得以任何形式使用本公司商標。
6.3. 本公司未授予用戶本服務之任何智慧財產權,此外,本公司保留未明確授予之其他全部權利。
6.4. 我們尊重他人的智慧財產權,若您認為本服務之任何內容有侵害到您或他人智慧財產權之疑慮,請立即通知我們。倘若您使用本服務時有任何侵權情事,本公司有權終止您全部或一部服務。7. 服務的提供
7.1. 您使用本服務時,應自費及負責備置必要的智慧型手機、行動裝置、個人電腦、作業系統、配件及電力等。
7.2. 本公司得按用戶年齡及身分、有無註冊資料、及其他本公司判斷為必要的條件,將本服務的全部或部分提供給符合上揭條件的用戶。
7.3. 本公司保留權利於認為有必要時,得不事先通知用戶,隨時自行決定變更本服務的全部或部分內容。
7.4. 於下列情況下,本公司得不事先通知用戶,中止提供本服務之全部或一部:
7.4.1. 執行系統維護或維修時。
7.4.2. 本服務因不可抗力事件,如意外事件(火災、停電等)、天災、戰爭、暴動、勞資糾紛等,而無法提供時。
7.4.3. 系統故障或系統過載時。
7.4.4. 為確保用戶或第三人安全,或於緊急情況下為維護公眾利益時。
7.4.5. 除上列所載情事外,於本公司合理認為有必要時。8. 用戶的使用限制
8.1. 本公司就我們所提供的本內容授予用戶使用權,此使用權不得轉讓、不得轉授權,且不具有專屬性,並以使用本服務為唯一目的。
8.2. 用戶不得超出本服務所訂定的使用樣態而使用(包括但不限於複製、傳輸、重製和修改等行為)本服務內容。
8.3. 用戶於使用本服務時不得從事下列所述行為:
8.3.1. 不得修改或移除本服務中出現的任何著作權和其他所有權聲明。
8.3.2. 為達成不合理目的或透過不公平方式,透過逆向工程、反編譯、反彙編或其他方式試圖對本服務之原始碼進行解碼的行為。
8.3.3. 修改、變更、翻譯本服務或自本服務改作出衍生著作的行為。
8.3.4. 干擾本服務的伺服器或網路系統的行為、利用網路機器人(bots)、作弊工具、其他技術性手段不當操作服務的行為、故意利用本服務漏洞的行為、超出必要限度重複同一問題等對本公司提出不當洽詢或要求的行為、其他妨礙本公司經營本服務或其他用戶使用本服務,並製造干擾的行為。
8.3.5. 違反法令、法院判決、裁定或命令或具有法令拘束力的行政措施的行為。
8.3.6. 恐有危害公共秩序或善良風俗的行為。
8.3.7. 侵害著作權、商標權、專利權等智慧財產權、名譽權、隱私權、其他依據法令或與本公司及/或第三人合約規定的權利的行為。
8.3.8. 投稿或傳送內容有過度暴力的內容、性暗示過度露骨的內容、構成兒童色情或兒童虐待的內容、引誘或助長自殺、自傷行為或濫用藥物的內容、其他包含反社會情節在內等使人感到不愉快內容的行為。
8.3.9. 偽裝成本公司及/或第三人的行為或故意散布不實資訊的行為。
8.3.10. 藉由本公司規定以外的方式,以本服務的使用權兌換現金、財物或其他經濟利益的行為。
8.3.11. 以行銷、宣傳、廣告、招攬或其他營利為目的之行為(經本公司同意者除外)。
8.3.12. 未經授權或不當蒐集、公開或提供他人的個人資料、註冊資料、使用記錄資料等的行為。
8.3.13. 支援或助長符合前述任一行為的行為,以及其他本公司合理判斷為不適當的行為。9. 用戶的使用責任
9.1. 用戶應自行承擔使用本服務之風險與責任。
9.2. 若用戶發生或可能發生下列情事,本公司得不事先通知用戶,即可暫時中止或永久終止該用戶使用本服務之全部或一部,停用或刪除帳戶、取消用戶與本公司之間關於本服務的合約(包括但不限於依據本條款成立的合約,以下皆同),或採取本公司合理認為必要及適當的任何其他措施:
9.2.1. 用戶違反相關法令、本條款或任何個別條款。
9.2.2. 用戶為反社會勢力或相關黨派成員。
9.2.3. 用戶透過散播不實資訊、利用詐欺方式或勢力,或透過其他不法方式破壞本公司的信譽。
9.2.4. 用戶與本公司之間的信任關係已不存在,或因上述條款以外事由,使本公司合理認為本公司不再適合向用戶提供本服務。
9.3. 起因於用戶使用本服務(包括但不限於本公司收到第三人對於用戶使用本服務所提出的申訴),致本公司直接或間接蒙受任何損失/損害(包括但不限於律師費用的負擔)時,用戶應依照本公司依循相關法律及法規所提出的要求立即給予補償。10. 廣告
10.1. 本公司得在本服務刊登本公司或第三方的廣告。
10.2. 用戶應自行斟酌與判斷本服務刊登之廣告的正確性及可信度,本公司對接受第三方委託而予以刊登的廣告內容,不負擔任何勘誤及擔保責任。
11. 第三方服務
11.1. 本服務可能會提供連結至其他網站或網路資源的連結,您可能會因此連結至第三方業者經營的服務,但不表示本公司與該等業者有任何關係。由第三方業者經營之服務均由該等業者負責,非屬本公司控制及負責範圍之內。
11.2. 本服務內可能包含第三方業者所提供的服務或內容,該等服務及/或內容均由第三方業者負責。此外,第三方業者所規定的使用條款及其他條件,可能適用於該等服務或內容。
11.3. 本公司對任何外部連結或檢索結果,不擔保其合適性、可依賴性、即時性、有效性、正確性及完整性。12. 免責聲明
12.1. 本公司不就本服務(包括本內容)作出任何無瑕疵(包括但不限於關於安全性、誤差、錯誤、程式錯誤或侵權)、安全性、可靠性、正確性、完整性、有效性或特定目的之適用性的明示或默示保證。無論如何,本公司無須負責將該等缺失刪除後再向用戶提供本服務。
12.2. 本服務及其相關資訊乃依「現況」提供,不保證毫無錯誤。對於用戶藉使用本服務或第三方產品所獲得之效能或結果,本服務不提供亦無法提供任何保證。
12.3. 本條款不論因何故終止,本節在本條款終止後依然有效,但並不默示或准許用戶得在本條款終止後繼續使用本服務。
12.4. 無論在任何情況下,本公司概不負責賠償用戶的任何損害、損害賠償或相關開銷,包括任何衍生、間接、附帶的損害或利潤或盈餘損失。於用戶所在管轄地的法律許可範圍內,前述限制及排除條款一律適用。但若用戶與本公司之間關於本服務的合約屬於中華民國消費者保護法定義的消費者保護法,本公司應就任何可歸責於本公司的故意或重大過失而產生的損害提供賠償,惟賠償金額最高僅限於用戶為使用本服務而向本公司支付的服務使用費,若為免費使用本服務,則本公司概不負擔任何賠償責任。13. 管轄權與準據法
13.1. 本條款以中文作成(下稱「中文版」),規範用戶與本公司之間的權利義務,本公司另向用戶提供本條款之英文譯本,當該譯本與中文版有奇異時,應以中文版為準。
13.2. 若本條款違反用戶與本公司間就本服務成立的相關合約所適用的相關法令,該違法的條款即不應適用於該等用戶合約,但本條款其餘部分不受影響。
13.3. 本條款不受任何管轄地之法律抵觸原則或《聯合國國際商品買賣契約公約》(United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Saleof Goods)約束,故本條款明文排除該公約之適用。
13.4. 本條款以本公司所在地(中華民國)為司法轄區,並以中華民國之法律為準據法。若用戶與本公司因本服務或本條款內容產生任何爭議,應以高雄地方法院為初審專屬合意管轄法院。隱私權政策
本隱私權政策說明點子行動科技股份有限公司 (以下簡稱「本公司」、「我們」)如何蒐集、使用和共用您的個人資料。我們使用您的個人資料來提供並改善服務,使用本服務即表示您同意根據本隱私權政策蒐集和使用資訊。為了讓您能夠安心使用本公司提供的各項服務與資訊並保障您的權益,請您詳閱下列內容。
1. 本隱私權政策的適用範圍
2. 個人資料的蒐集、處理及利用方式
2.1. 當您造訪或使用本服務時,我們將視該服務功能性質,於必要範圍內取得您的個人資料,並在該特定目的範圍內處理及利用您的個人資料;非經您書面同意,本公司不會將個人資料用於其他用途。
2.2. 為提供精確的服務,我們會將蒐集的問卷調查內容進行統計與分析,分析結果之統計數據或說明文字呈現,除供內部研究外,我們可能會視需要公佈統計數據及說明文字,但不涉及特定個人之資料。
2.3. 您可以自行決定是否提供您的個人資訊予我們,然若您未提供我們必要的資訊,您可能無法使用本服務之部分功能。
2.4. 您可以隨時向我們提出請求,以更正或刪除本服務所蒐集您錯誤或不完整的個人資料。
3. 我們蒐集何種資料?
3.1. 您個人直接提供的資訊:
3.1.1. 註冊資訊
3.1.2. 行銷活動
為進行問卷調查、抽獎與其他行銷活動,我們可能會要求您提供詳細資訊,如姓名、地址、電話號碼、電子郵件地址、性別、生日,便於贈送禮品、寄送獎品等。3.1.3. 聯絡資訊
當用戶透過線上詢問表單方式聯絡我們時,為檢查回報問題並提供適當回應,我們會蒐集用戶的資訊以識別用戶,包括電子郵件地址、裝置類型、作業系統類型等。3.1.4. 交易及付款資訊
為處理購物與支付服務的相關交易服務或付款程序,因應相關服務所生之交易資料、付款金額與方式、用戶的信用卡資訊可能會被取得。惟購物程序應由適當的付款機構完成,我們不會保留任何信用卡資訊。3.2. 您於使用本服務時,我們取得之資訊:
3.2.1. 您的用戶內部識別碼
用於確認用戶身分、避免未經授權的用戶使用本服務,以及透過您的帳號連結本服務。3.2.2. Cookie
為向用戶提供最佳服務,並維護服務與使用安全,我們可能會使用 Cookie儲存用戶設定以記錄存取功能,並監控使用模式及數據。例如,我們使用Google Analytics協助我們進行上述工作。您可以選擇停用Cookie,但同時您可能將無法使用本服務的部分功能。3.2.3. 記錄
存取本服務時,伺服器會自行記錄相關行徑,可能會自動取得並儲存您的使用紀錄(如:功能點擊、服務關閉或使用時間等等)、IP 位址、瀏覽器類型、瀏覽器語言等存取記錄資訊。該資訊將用以分析您的用戶環境,以便我們提升本服務,並避免未經授權或盜用行為干擾本服務正常運作。3.2.4. 裝置與應用程式資訊
為提供您更精準的服務,我們可能取得您的裝置硬體資訊、裝置內檔案、軟體資訊,如:裝置製造商、裝置型號、裝置容量、裝置內部型號、行動國家代碼、行動網路代碼、MAC 位址、IP 位址、GPS位址、電信營運商、相片、語音資訊、應用程式版本、作業系統版本、語言與國家設定。此資訊將用於提供您分析資料及提昇本服務品質,並避免非法或不當使用。3.2.5. 第三方分析
為向用戶提供最佳服務,並維護服務與使用安全,我們可能對服務使用第三方分析服務,例如 Google Analytics。管理此等分析服務的服務供應商會幫助我們分析。本公司得向此等供應商及使用該資訊的其他相關第三方揭露取得的資訊,或安排此等供應商及其他使用該資訊的相關第三方直接蒐集資訊,例如,用於評估服務的使用情況,幫助管理服務以及診斷技術問題。欲進一步瞭解 Google Analytics,請造訪http://www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html 和https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/。3.3. 來自第三方社交媒體的訊息
本公司允許您通過Google、Facebook、Apple等第三方社交媒體服務創建帳戶並登錄以使用服務,如果您決定通過或以其他方式授予我們訪問第三方社交媒體服務的權限,我們可能會收集已與您的第三方社交媒體服務帳戶相關聯的個人數據,例如您的姓名、電子郵件地址、與該帳戶關聯的活動或聯絡人清單等。您還可以選擇通過您的第三方社交媒體服務帳戶向本公司分享其他資料和個人數據。如果您選擇在註冊或其他時候提供此類資料和個人數據,則表示您同意本公司蒐集和使用這些資訊。4. 我們如何使用您的資料?
4.1. 協助您或您的裝置註冊本公司的服務。
4.2. 驗證您的身份。4.3. 避免未經授權使用、盜用或濫用本服務。
4.4. 作為提昇或優化本服務的參考依據。
4.5. 為提供客戶支援,有效回應用戶的疑問與訴求。
4.6. 評估我們於網路或其他媒體投放廣告之效益。
4.7. 進行用戶滿意度調查。
4.8. 提供本服務等相關資訊,以及本公司關聯企業與本公司合作夥伴的廣告或推廣行銷資訊。
4.9. 保護本公司或我方任何關係企業、商業夥伴或客戶的合法權利和權益、財產或安全。
4.10. 防範、辨識及預防詐欺及其他犯罪活動、索賠和其他法律責任。
4.11. 遵守並執行相關法律規定、相關產業標準及我們的政策。
4.12. 告知您其他服務相關重要資訊,於必要時與您聯絡。
4.13. 用於本服務相關的未來發展。5. 個人資訊會儲存在何處?
5.1. 為提供本服務,本公司將透過位於世界各國安全的伺服器處理並儲存資訊。若持續使用本服務,表示您同意本公司將您的個人資訊移轉出您所在的國家。
5.2. 請注意,您的資訊可能轉送至資料保護法律及其他法律不如您居住國/地區周延完備的國家/地區,但我們仍將依照相關法律採取適當措施,確保您的個人資訊始終受到保護。6. 個人資訊會保存多久?
7. 資料之保護
7.1. 本服務主機均設有防火牆、防毒系統等相關的各項資訊安全設備及必要的安全防護措施,只由經過授權的人員才能接觸您的個人資料,相關處理人員皆簽有保密合約,如有違反保密義務者,將會受到相關的法律處分。
7.2. 我們提供多種安全措施來持續保護您的帳戶資訊,其中所有交易均透過付款服務提供機構處理,不會在我們的伺服器上儲存或處理,此外,所有敏感/信用資訊均透過安全通訊端層 (SSL) 技術進行加密。
7.3. 如因業務需要有必要委託其他單位提供服務時,本公司亦會嚴格要求其遵守保密義務,並且採取必要檢查程序以確定其將確實遵守。8. 兒童隱私權
8.1. 本服務提供給一般大眾,如果未成年者欲使用本服務並提供個人資料,必須取得法定代理人同意。您聲明及保證,您具有使用本服務的行為能力及法定資格。如果您尚未成年,您聲明及保證,您已就本服務的使用取得您的法定代理人同意。
8.2. 本公司瞭解,於美國、歐洲或泰國使用本服務的未成年用戶(美國為13歲以下,歐洲為16歲以下,泰國為11歲以下),其個人資料應受到特別保護,本公司不會在知情且未經同意的情況下蒐集任何未成年用戶的個人資料。
8.3. 如果您認為本公司有蒐集未滿您所在國家/地區規定年齡之未成年用戶的個人資料,請透過本公司聯絡表單(如後)與我們聯繫。如果本公司發現我們在未經法定代理人同意下不慎蒐集到未成年用戶的資料,我們將停用該等帳號,並將採取合理措施,儘速自本公司的伺服器中刪除該等個人資料。9. 對外的相關連結
10. 與第三人共用個人資料之政策
10.1. 本公司絕不會提供、交換、出租或出售任何您的個人資料給其他個人、團體、私人企業或公務機關,但有法律依據或合約義務者,不在此限。
10.2. 前項但書之情形包括不限於:
10.2.1. 經由您書面同意。
10.2.2. 法律明文規定。
10.2.3. 為免除您生命、身體、自由或財產上之危險。
10.2.4. 與公務機關或學術研究機構合作,基於公共利益為統計或學術研究而有必要,且資料經過提供者處理或蒐集者依其揭露方式無從識別特定之當事人。
10.2.5. 當您在本服務的行為,違反服務條款或可能損害或妨礙本公司與其他使用者權益或導致任何人遭受損害時,經服務管理單位研析揭露您的個人資料是為了辨識、聯絡或採取法律行動所必要者。
10.2.6. 有利於您的權益。
10.3. 當本公司委託廠商協助蒐集、處理或利用您的個人資料時,將對委外廠商或個人善盡監督管理之責。11. Cookie及其他分析工具之使用
11.1. Cookie是您在瀏覽網站時,網站傳送給瀏覽器的一小段文字,可讓網站儲存您的瀏覽資訊,方便您下次瀏覽相同網站時套用同樣的設定,以及為您提供更實用的服務。目前也有其他技術可應用在上述用途,包括透過專屬 ID 辨識瀏覽器、網路信標(web beacon)、像素(pixel)、本機儲存空間等。
11.2. 本公司得為下列目的,使用cookie及其他類似的網路追蹤技術:
11.2.1. 儲存您的登入狀態、進行訪客驗證、維持工作階段,以及採取安全措施。
11.2.2. 儲存語言設定及最近存取日期及時間,以及改善用戶體驗。
11.2.3. 透過瞭解存取次數及使用模式以提供更優質的服務。
11.2.4. 向您提供您較感興趣的廣告。
11.2.5. 量測廣告效度。
11.3. 您可透過瀏覽器設定或使用其他工具,來控制是否接受cookie。但如果您停用cookie或對cookie設定限制,可能會導致本服務的全部或部份功能無法正常執行,因此可能影響您的整體使用感受。
11.4. 為改善本服務,本公司採用Google Analytics(分析)來量測本服務(例如本公司網站、應用程式)。Google得放置cookie或讀取既有cookie以蒐集資料。您造訪網站的網址及IP位址等資訊屆時將自動傳送予Google。本公司得使用該等資訊來瞭解本服務使用狀況或將該等資訊使用於本服務中。關於Google於Google Analytics(分析)所作的資料處理,請參閱Google Analytics(分析)的服務使用條款及Google隱私權政策。12. 個人資料的管理與刪除
12.1. 您可以隨時管理您的個人訊息,也可以透過刪除整個帳戶來刪除您的資訊。但若出於合法業務或法律目的(例如安全、詐欺和濫用預防或財務記錄保存)的需要,我們可能會保留部分資料更長的時間。
12.2. 當您刪除資料時,我們會遵循刪除流程,以確保您的資料從我們的伺服器中安全、完整地刪除或僅以匿名形式保留。同時,我們亦盡力確保我們的服務能確實保護用戶資訊免於意外或惡意刪除,因此,從您提出刪除某些內容到我們實際採取刪除行動及完全清除備份資料庫中的副本,之間可能存在時間差13. 隱私權政策之修訂
14. 聯絡方式
- 利用本公司官網設置之聯絡表單留言:https://tw.ideamt.com/
- 發送電子郵件給我們:service@phonedoctorbiz.com
- 寄送紙本信件給我們:
- 收件人:點子行動科技股份有限公司
- 收件地址:高雄市三民區孝順街55號(No. 55, Xiaoshun St., Sanmin Dist.,Kaohsiung City 807 , Taiwan)
15. 語言
Terms of Service
iMTCo., Ltd. ("the Company", "we", "us","our") provides all of the Company's related products and services(the "Services") to users of the Services ("Users","You") in accordance with these Terms of Service ("Terms").
1. Definition
1.1. The Company: refers to iMT Co., Ltd., acorporate organisation located in R.O.C. Taiwan.
1.2. Device: means any device that can accessthe Services, such as a mobile device, handheld phone, PDA, smart watch,
computer, digital tablet or other similar web-based application or web-connected device.
1.3. Services: means all content of files(available for electronic download) or other media provided by the Company, which may include:- Applications or software;
- Websites;
- Written explanations or files related thereto.
1.4. Use: means browsing, accessing,installing, downloading, copying, or otherwise benefiting from the use of the features of the Service.
2. User Consent
2.1. By using one or all of the services, youacknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to accept all of the contents of the TOS. The Company reserves the right to modify or change the content of the TOS at any time to reflect changes in our practices regarding the Service or changes in relevant laws. You are advised to check the TOS from time to time for updates. Your continued use of the Service following any modifications or changes shall be deemed to indicate that you have read, understood and agreed to accept such modifications or changes.
2.2. If you are a minor, you must obtain theconsent of your parent or legal guardian to use the Service. By using the Service, it is presumed that your parent or legal guardian has read, understands, and agrees to be bound by all of the TOS and any subsequent
modifications or changes thereto. If you are a parent or legal guardian and allow your child to use the Services, you must comply with the TOS and are responsible for your child's activities on these Services.2.3. Where individual terms of use apply to theService, in addition to the TOS, users should also use the Service in accordance with the individual terms of use.
2.4. If you do not agree to any of the TOS, donot use the Services.
3. Changes to the Terms
TheCompany may make changes to the TOS to the extent necessary to fulfil the purpose of the Service in accordance with applicable law or regulation. If such changes are made, we will post the changes to the TOS on the Service or on the Company's website and the date of the update, and the changes to the TOS will be effective on the date on which the TOS is updated.
4. User Registration and Account Management Obligations
4.1. In order to use certain features of theService, you may be required to register certain information to create an account. In order to use the Service properly, you should provide true, correct and complete information, and you should correct any updated information at any time to ensure that it is correct and up-to-date. If you provide any incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information, the Company reserves the right to suspend or terminate your account and deny you access to all or part of the Service.
4.2. You are responsible for maintaining theconfidentiality and security of your account and password. The account of the Service is exclusively owned by the user. The user's right to use the Service may not be transferred, lent or otherwise granted to a third party or inherited or succeeded by a third party.
4.3. If you register any authenticationinformation when using the Service, you should be responsible for keeping such information carefully to avoid improper use. When the validation information you submit during registration is used for the purpose of using the Service, the Company will presume that such use is made by the user who submitted the validation information and will provide the Service to him/her accordingly.
4.4. Users who register for the Service maydelete their accounts and terminate the Service at any time by following the mechanism provided by the Service or by notifying the Company directly by email. When you delete data from your account, the Service will immediately initiate the removal process. However, to ensure complete removal of data, there may be a time lag between your deletion and the completion of the removal of your database copy.
4.5. In order to prevent the occurrence ofmalicious activities that may damage the rights of the user, if the user notifies the Company of the deletion of his/her account by email, we may confirm the user's identity again by email or other means of verification established by the Company before initiating the user's data removal process.
4.6. Upon deletion of an account, the user'sright to use the Service will be extinguished for any reason whatsoever. Even if a user deletes his/her account inadvertently, the original account cannot be recovered, and you shall be responsible for the loss of your account.
5. Privacy Protection
5.1. We respect the privacy of our users, andthe Company assures you that we will use secure and strict measures to manage
the information we collect from you.5.2. We only collect personal information thatis necessary for the specific purpose for which it was collected. Unless we have your consent or are required by law, we will only use or disclose your personal information for the purposes for which it was collected and will only retain the information collected for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected.
5.3. The Company's Privacy Policy describesprivacy protection in more detail. We are committed to handling your private information and personal data in accordance with the Company's Privacy Policy. Please refer to the Company's Privacy Policy for further details.
6. Intellectual Property Rights
6.1. With respect to the services provided bythe Company, the Company owns the intellectual property rights of all the contents, including but not limited to text, code, graphics, data, files, structure, interface arrangement and design, including but not limited to: trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, and know-how.
6.2. The product or service names, graphics,and trademarks associated with this service are protected by the Trademark Act
and the Fair Trade Act, etc., depending on the status of their registration or use. Users may not use the Company's trademarks in any form without the prior written consent of the Company.
6.3. The Company does not grant users anyintellectual property rights in the Service. In addition, the Company reserves all other rights not expressly granted herein.
6.4. We respect the intellectual propertyrights of others. If you believe that any content on the Service infringes on your intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of others, please notify us immediately. The Company reserves the right to terminate all or part of the Service in the event of any infringement by you in connection with your use of the Service.
7. Provision of the Service
7.1. You shall, at your own expense andresponsibility, equip yourself with the necessary smart phones, mobile devices, personal computers, operating systems, accessories and electricity, etc., when using the Services.
7.2. The Company may provide the Service, inwhole or in part, to users who meet the above conditions based on their age and
status, whether or not they have registration information, and any other
conditions that the Company determines to be necessary.7.3. The Company may, at its sole discretion,change all or part of the Service at any time without prior notice to the User
if the Company deems it necessary to do so.7.4. Under the following circumstances, theCompany may discontinue providing all or part of the Service without prior
notice to the Subscriber:7.4.1. System maintenance or repair.
7.4.2. When the Service cannot be provided due toforce majeure events, such as accidents (fire, power outage, etc.), acts of
God, wars, riots, labour disputes, etc.7.4.3. System failure or system overload.
7.4.4. To ensure the safety of users or third parties, or to protect the public interest in case of emergency.
7.4.5. When the Company reasonably believes it isnecessary to do so, in addition to the above.
8. Restrictions on Use by Users
8.1. The Company may grant users a licence touse the Content provided by us. This right of use is non-transferable, non-sub-licensable, non-exclusive, and is for the sole purpose of using the Service.
8.2. Users shall not use (including but notlimited to copying, transmitting, reproducing and modifying) the Service beyond the scope of the usage patterns set out in the Service.
8.3. Users shall not engage in any of thefollowing behaviours while using the Service:
8.3.1. Modify or remove any copyright and otherproprietary notices appearing on the Service.
8.3.2. Attempt to decode the source code of theService by reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling or otherwise, for
any unreasonable purpose or by unfair means.
8.3.3. Modify, alter, translate or createderivative works from the Service.
8.3.4. Interfere with the servers or networksystems of the Service, use internet bots, cheat tools, or other technical means to improperly operate the Service, intentionally take advantage of loopholes in the Service, repeat the same question more than is necessary, or make inappropriate inquiries or requests to the Company, or otherwise impede the Company's operation of the Service or the use of the Service by other users, or otherwise create interference.
8.3.5. Violate laws, court judgements, rulings ororders, or administrative measures that are binding by law.
8.3.6. Endanger public order or good morals.
8.3.7. Infringe on copyrights, trademarks,patents and other intellectual property rights, rights of honour, rights of privacy, or other rights in accordance with laws and regulations or contracts with the Company and/or third parties.
8.3.8. Contribute or transmit content that isexcessively violent, sexually explicit, constitutes child pornography or child abuse, induces or encourages suicidal or self-injurious behaviour or drug abuse, or contains antisocial sentiments or other unpleasant content.
8.3.9. Act as if you are the Company and/or a third party or intentionally spreading false information.
8.3.10. Exchange the right to use the Services forcash, property or other economic benefits by means other than those stipulated
by the Company.
8.3.11. Act for marketing, publicity, advertising,solicitation, or other profit-making purposes (except with the Company's consent).
8.3.12. Unauthorised or improper collection,disclosure or provision of personal information, registration information, usage history information, etc. of others.
8.3.13. Supporting or facilitating any of theaforementioned acts, or any other acts that the Company reasonably determines to be inappropriate.9. User's Responsibility
9.1. The user shall bear the risk andresponsibility of using the Service.
9.2. If any of the following events occurs oris likely to occur with respect to a Subscriber, the Company may, without prior notice to the Subscriber, suspend or permanently terminate the Subscriber's access to all or any part of the Service, deactivate or delete the Subscriber's account, cancel the Subscriber's contract with the Company with respect to the Service (including, without limitation, any contract entered into pursuant to TOS, and hereinafter referred to as "Contracts") or take any other measures that the Company considers to be reasonable, necessary and appropriate:
9.2.1. The User violates any applicable law, theTOS, or any individual terms and conditions.
9.2.2. The User is a member of an anti-socialforce or related party.
9.2.3. The User damages the Company's reputationby disseminating false information, using fraudulent means or power, or through other unlawful means.
9.2.4. The relationship of trust between the Userand the Company has ceased to exist or, for reasons other than those set out
above, the Company reasonably believes that it is no longer appropriate for the Company to provide the Service to the User.9.3. In the event that the Company directly orindirectly suffers any loss/damage (including but not limited to incurring legal fees) as a result of the User's use of the Service (including but not limited to: the Company's receipt of a complaint from a third party in relation to the User's use of the Service), the User shall immediately compensate the Company in accordance with the Company's claims under the relevant laws and regulations.
10. Advertisements
10.1. TheCompany may place advertisements of the Company or third parties on the Service.
10.2. Usersare responsible for making their own judgement on the accuracy and credibility of the advertisements published on the Service. the Company assumes no responsibility for the content of advertisements published on behalf of third parties, and the Company does not assume any responsibility for any error or warranty of the content of advertisements published on the Service.
11. Third Party Services
11.1. TheService may provide links to other websites or Internet resources. You may be able to link to services operated by third parties. This does not imply that the Company has any relationship with such providers. Services operated by third party providers are the responsibility of those providers and are not under the control or responsibility of the Company.
11.2. TheService may contain services or content provided by third party providers and such services and/or content are the responsibility of the third party providers. In addition, terms of use and other conditions imposed by third parties may apply to the Services or Content.
11.3. TheCompany does not warrant the suitability, reliability, timeliness, validity, accuracy and completeness of any external links or search results.12. Disclaimer
12.1. theCompany does not warrant, either expressly or impliedly, that the Service (including the Content) will be free from defects (including, without limitation, those relating to security, reliability, accuracy, completeness, usefulness or fitness for a particular purpose, safety, inaccuracies, errors, bugs, programming errors or infringement). In any event, the Company is not required to remove such deficiencies before making the Service available to users.
12.2. Theservice and its related information are provided "as is" and without warranty of error. The service does not and cannot provide any warranty as to the performance or results that may be obtained by users from using the service or third party products.
12.3. Thissection shall survive the termination of the TOS for any reason whatsoever, but does not imply or permit the continued use of the Service after the termination of the TOS.
12.4. In noevent will the Company be liable to the Subscriber for any damages, losses or expenses of any kind, including any consequential, indirect, incidental damages or loss of profits or surplus. The foregoing limitations and exclusions apply to the extent permitted by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the user is located. However, if the contract between the user and the Company regarding the Service falls within the scope of consumer protection as defined in the Consumer Protection Act of the Republic of China, the Company shall indemnify the user for any damages arising from any intentional or gross negligence attributable to the Company. However, the maximum amount of compensation is limited to the service fee paid by the user to the Company for the use of the service. If theuse of the Service is free of charge, the Company shall not be liable for any damages.
13. Jurisdiction and Governing Law
13.1. The TOSis written in Chinese (the "Chinese Version") for the purpose of regulating the rights and obligations between the User and the Company, and the Company provides the User with an English translation of the TOS, which shall prevail in the event of any discrepancy between the Chinese Version and the TOS.
13.2. If anyprovision of the TOS violates any applicable laws or regulations of the relevant contract between the user and the Company in relation to the Service, the offending provision shall not apply to such user contract, but the rest of the TOS shall remain unaffected.
13.3. TOS isnot bound by the principles of conflicts of laws of any jurisdiction or by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Therefore, TOS expressly excludes the application of the Convention.
13.4. The TOSshall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of R.O.C. Taiwan, the jurisdiction in which the Company is located. In the event of any dispute between the user and the Company arising out of the Service or the TOS Content, the Kaohsiung District Court shall be the exclusive court of competent jurisdiction for the first instance.Privacy Policy
ThisPrivacy Policy describes how iMT Co., Ltd. ("the Company","we", "us") collects, uses and shares your personal information. We use your personal information to provide and improve the Services. By using the Services, you consent to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. In order to provide you with peace of mind when using the services and information provided by the Company and to protect your rights, please read the following.
1. Scopeof this Privacy Policy
ThisPrivacy Policy covers how the Company handles personally identifiable information collected when you use the services provided by the Company (including, but not limited to, applications, software, and websites, hereinafter referred to as the "Services"). This Policy does not apply to third-party services linked to the Services, nor does it apply to persons who are not engaged or involved in the administration of the Services by the Company.
2. Collection,Processing and Use of Personal Information
2.1.When you visit or use the Service, we willobtain your personal data to the extent necessary for the functionality of the
Service and process and utilise your personal data for that specific purpose. The Company will not use your personal data for any other purposes without your written consent.
2.2.In order to provide accurate services, wewill conduct statistics and analyses of the collected questionnaires. The statistics or explanatory text of the analysed results are presented, which, in addition to being used for internal research, may be published as necessary, but do not relate to specific individuals.
2.3.It is up to you to provide us with yourpersonal information. However, if you do not provide us with the necessary information, you may not be able to use some of the features of the Service.
2.4.You may request us at any time to corrector delete any incorrect or incomplete personal information about you collected by the Service.3. Whatinformation do we collect?
3.1.Information you provide directly:
3.1.1. Registration Information
In order to provide users with a smooth serviceexperience, users may be asked to register user information such as name,
telephone number, email address, zip code, shipping address or other personal information related to the Service that can directly or indirectly identify the user.3.1.2. Marketing activities
For the purpose of conducting surveys, sweepstakes andother marketing activities, we may ask you to provide details such as your
name, address, telephone number, email address, gender, date of birth, in order to offer gifts, send prizes, etc.3.1.3. Contact Information
When a user contacts us through an online enquiryform, in order to check for reported problems and provide an appropriate
response, we collect information to identify the user, including email address, device type, operating system type, etc.3.1.4. Transaction and Payment Information
In order to process transaction services or paymentprocedures related to shopping and payment services, transaction data, payment
amounts and methods, and user's credit card information may be obtained as a result of the related services. However, the purchase process should be completed by the appropriate payer and we do not retain any credit card information.3.2.Information We Obtain When You Use theService:
3.2.1. Your User ID
This is used to identify you, prevent unauthorisedusers from using the Service, and link to the Service through your account.
3.2.2. Cookie
In order to provide the best possible service to ourusers and to maintain the security of the service and its use, we may use cookies to store user settings to record access to features and to monitor usage patterns and data. For example, we use Google Analytics to help us do this. You may choose to disable cookies, but you may not be able to use some of the features of the Service.
3.2.3. Records
When you access the Service, the server will recordthe relevant behaviour and may automatically obtain and store your usage history (e.g. function clicks, service closure or usage time, IP address, browser type, browser language and other access history information). This information will be used to analyse your user environment so that we can enhance the Service and prevent unauthorised or unauthorised use from interfering with the normal operation of the Service.3.2.4. Device and Application Information
In order to provide you with more accurate service, wemay obtain your device hardware information, on-device files, software
information such as: device manufacturer, device model, device capacity, device internal model, mobile country code, mobile network code, MAC address, IP address, GPS address, telecommunication operator, photos, voice information, application version, operating system version, language and country settings. This information will be used to provide you with analytics and to improve the quality of the Service and to prevent illegal or improper use.3.2.5. Third Party Analysis
Inorder to provide the best possible service to our users and to maintain the security of the Service and its use, we may use third-party analytics services, such as Google Analytics, for the Service. The service providers who manage these analytics services help us analyse the data. The Company may disclose the information obtained to such providers and other relevant third parties using
the information, or arrange for such providers and other relevant third parties using the information to collect the information directly (e.g., for evaluating the use of the Services, to help manage the Services, and to diagnose technical
problems). To learn more about Google Analytics, please visit http://www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html and https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/o.3.3.Messages from Third-Party Social Media
The Company allows you to create an account and log into use the Services through third-party social media services such as Google,
Facebook, Apple, and others. If you decide to grant us access to a third-partysocial media service, through or otherwise, we may collect personal data that has been associated with your account with the third-party social media service, such as your name, email address, and a list of events or contacts associated with the account. You may also choose to share other information and personal data with the Company through your third party social media service account. By choosing to provide such information and personal data at registration or otherwise, you consent to the Company's collection and use of such information.4. How dowe use your information?
TheCompany uses your information for the following purposes:
4.1. To assist you or your device inregistering for the Company's services.
4.2. To verify your identity.
4.3. To prevent unauthorised use, theft ormisuse of the Services.
4.4. To serve as a reference for enhancing oroptimising the Service.
4.5. To provide customer support and respondeffectively to user queries and requests.
4.6. To evaluate the effectiveness of ouradvertising on the Internet or other media.
4.7. To conduct a user satisfaction survey.
4.8. To provide information related to theServices and advertising or promotional marketing information of the Company's affiliates and the Company's partners.
4.9. To protect the legitimate rights andinterests, property or safety of the Company or any of our affiliates, business partners or customers.To conduct user satisfaction surveys.
4.10.To prevent, identify and protect againstfraud and other criminal activities, claims and other liabilities.
4.11.To comply with and enforce applicable lawsand regulations, relevant industry standards and our policies.
4.12.To inform you of other importantinformation about the Service and to contact you when necessary.
4.13.To be used for future developments relatedto the Service5. Whereis personal information stored?
5.1. Inorder to provide the Service, the Company will process and store information on secure servers located in countries around the world. By continuing to use the Service, you consent to the Company transferring your personal information outside of your country.
5.2. Pleasenote that your information may be transferred to a country where data protection laws and other laws are less stringent than those in your country of residence, but we will take appropriate measures to ensure that your personal information is protected at all times in accordance with the relevant laws.
6. Howlong is personal information kept?
TheCompany will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, unless a longer period is required or permitted by law.
7. DataProtection
7.1. Theservice hosts are equipped with firewalls, anti-virus systems and other related information security equipment and necessary security measures. Only authorised personnel have access to your personal information. All relevant staff have signed a confidentiality contract. Any breach of the confidentiality obligations will be subject to the relevant legal sanctions.
7.2. We provide a number of security measuresto continually protect your account information. Among other things, all transactions are processed through the payment service provider and are not stored or processed on our servers. In addition, all sensitive/credit information is encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
7.3. Where it is necessary to delegate theprovision of services to other entities due to business needs, the Company will also strictly require them to comply with their confidentiality obligations and will adopt the necessary checking procedures to ensure that they will do so.8. Children'sPrivacy
8.1. TheService is available to the general public. If a minor wishes to use the Service and provide personal information, he/she must obtain the consent of a legal representative. You hereby represent and warrant that you have the capacity and legal capacity to use the Service. If you are under the age of majority, you hereby represent and warrant that you have obtained the consent of your legal representative for the use of the Service.
8.2. TheCompany understands that the personal information of underage users (under 13 years of age in the United States, under 16 years of age in Europe, and under 11 years of age in Thailand) using the Service in the United States, Europe or Thailand is subject to special protection. The Company does not knowingly collect any personal information from underage users without their consent.
8.3. If you believe that the Company iscollecting personal information from underage users under the age of consent in your country, please contact us through the Company's contact form (below). If the Company discovers that we have inadvertently collected personal information from underage users without the consent of their legal representatives, we will deactivate such accounts and take reasonable steps to delete such personal information from the Company's servers as soon as possible.
9. ExternalLinks
The Service provides links to other websites. You mayalso click through the links provided by the Service to other websites. However, the linked site does not apply to the privacy policy of this website, and you must refer to the privacy policy of the linked site.
10. Policyon Sharing of Personal Data with Third Parties
10.1. TheCompany will not provide, exchange, rent, or sell any of your personal information to other individuals, organisations, private businesses, or public authorities, unless there is a legal basis or contractual obligation to do so.
10.2. Theforegoing proviso includes, but is not limited to:
10.2.1. With your written consent.
10.2.2. It is expressly provided by law.
10.2.3. In order to avoid danger to your life,body, liberty or property.
10.2.4. In co-operation with public authorities oracademic research institutes, where such co-operation is necessary for statistical or academic research in the public interest, and where the data has been processed by the provider or where the collector is unable to identify the specific subject in the manner in which the data has been disclosed.
10.2.5. When your behaviour on the Serviceviolates the Terms of Service or may damage or impede the rights of the Company and other users or cause damage to any person, the disclosure of your personal data by the Service Management Unit is necessary for identification, contact or legal action.
10.2.6. It is conducive to your rights andinterests.
10.3. Whenthe Company engages a vendor to assist in the collection, processing or use of your personal information, the Company will exercise due diligence in supervising and managing the outsourced vendor or individual.
11. Use ofCookies and Other Analytical Tools
11.1. Acookie is a small piece of text that a website sends to your browser when you browse the website, which allows the website to store your browsing information, so that you can use the same settings the next time you browse the same website, and provide you with more practical services. There are other technologies that can be used for these purposes, including identification of browsers by unique IDs, webbeacons, pixels, local storage space, etc. The Company may use this technology for the following purposes.
11.2. TheCompany may use cookies and other similar web tracking technologies for the following purposes:
11.2.1. To store your login status, performvisitor authentication, maintain workstations, and take security measures.
11.2.2. To store language settings and last accessdate and time, and to improve the user experience.
11.2.3. To provide a better service byunderstanding access and usage patterns.
11.2.4. To provide you with adverts that are ofinterest to you.
11.2.5. To measure the effectiveness of adverts.
11.3.You can control whether or not to acceptcookies through your browser settings or by using other tools. However, if you disable cookies or set limits on cookies, all or part of the Service may not function properly, which may affect your overall experience.
11.4.In order to improve the Service, theCompany uses Google Analytics to measure the Service (e.g. the Company's website, applications). Google may place cookies or read existing cookies in order to collect information. Information such as the website address and IP address of the website from which you are accessing the site will then be automatically transmitted to Google. The Company may use this information to inform itself about the use of the Service or to utilise this information for the purposes of the Service. For information on the processing of data by Google in Google Analytics, please refer to the Google Analytics Terms of
Service and the Google Privacy Policy.
12. Managementand Deletion of Personal Data
12.1.You can manage your personal informationat any time, and you can delete your information by deleting your entire account. However, we may retain some information for longer periods where this is necessary for legitimate business or legal purposes (such as security, fraudand abuse prevention or financial record keeping).
12.2.When you delete data, we follow a deletionprocess to ensure that your data is securely and completely removed from our servers or retained only in an anonymised form. At the same time, we endeavour to ensure that our services ensure that user information is protected against accidental or malicious deletion. As a result, there may be a time lag between when you request the removal of certain content and when we actually take action to remove it and completely erase the copies from our backup database.
13. Amendmentsto our Privacy Policy
We may revise thePrivacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes to the Service and related laws and regulations. The revised Privacy Policy will be posted on the Company's website. We may also notify you of material changes to the Privacy Policy through the Application or by other means. You may review our Privacy Policy at any time through the Application and on the Company's website. By continuing to use the Service, you will be deemed to have agreed to the Company's changes to the Privacy Policy. If you do not accept any changes to this policy, you may choose to deactivate the Service and delete your account registered with the Service.
14. ContactInformation
If you havequestions about our privacy policy or our handling of personal information, you may contact us as follows:
- Leave a message using the contact form setup on the Company's website: https://tw.ideamt.com/
- Send us an email at: service@phonedoctorbiz.com
- Send us a paper letter:
Ø Attn:iMT Co., Ltd.
Ø Addressee:No. 55, Xiaoshun St., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City 807 , Taiwan
15. Language
This Privacy Policyis available in Chinese and English. In the event of any discrepancy, the Chinese version shall prevail.
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